KeepColors is a color picker based on color wheel and supports color collection management. It offers a variety of custom color wheels, sliding color selection, color ruler, numerical display and more.
【Color Elements and Color Wheel】
There are three basic elements of color, including hue, saturation, and brightness, called the HSB model. In the color wheel, the colors are arranged in a spectral order, in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple. Through the color wheel, the relationship between warm color, cool color, contrast color, complementary color and the like can be distinguished.
By constructing a multi-level color wheel, KeepColors organizes the color to be selected into a two-dimensional array of structures, reflecting the change of hue in the circumferential direction, and reflecting the change of purity and brightness in the radial direction. This shows the variation of color on different elements. Provide a useful reference for designers when picking colors.
- Multi-color combination: up to six colors can be combined
- Color collection management: multi-color and solo-color independent collection, support for naming, sorting and copying
- Custom color wheel: Define the number of levels, set the range of purity and brightness, etc.
- Sliding color selection: slide directly on the color wheel to select the color
- Color ruler: indicates the color wheel, similar color, contrast color range in which the color is located
- Multiple numerical modes: support HSB, RGB numerical representation, support for integer, decimal representation
- Color card display: simple color card view design, click on the color block to render
- Color data text export: Copy to system paste board
- Color card image export: export to album or share to other apps